Tuesday, August 18, 2015

This Country Momma Cooks!

How This Country Momma Cooks!

 Okay, I know that there are more than enough country cooking blogs out there!  But I can't help it, so Pioneer woman please forgive me.  I have to post some Country Momma Cooks memoirs to the Simply Country Living blog.  Cooking, baking and time spent in the kitchen are just too important to me than to simply ignore.  Do you ever have a moment in a particularly stressful day when you step into a space and there's a noticeable weight that's been lifted off of your chest and you feel like you could stay in that space forever?  Mine is my kitchen.  I can begin to cook dinner and my hands go into autopilot and my mind turns to God and his blessings.  There's only one other place where I can really let go like that, church.  But that only happens on Sunday.   So where else should I go?  Obviously the kitchen!  My kitchen is so important to me that when we recently moved into a new house guess which room was the first to get unpacked, you guessed it, the kitchen!  I love an organized, clean and uncluttered kitchen.  Having a clean, uncluttered space is the only way I can truly let my creativity take over.  I love to use some of the kitchen gadgets from Simply Country Living to help with that part of my kitchen. 

The funny thing is I rarely use a cookbook anymore, it's either Pinterest, from memory or a creative creation that I come up with.  The latest concoction that I whipped up was the something I fixed for dinner the other night.  I took some Italian Sausage (made out of wild game, my husband's a hunter) mixed with veggies like broccoli, corn and mushrooms, fresh delicious goat milk, Parmesan cheese and cream of mushroom soup, cooked for a bit in a cast iron frying pan and served over whole grain brown rice.  My family gobbled it up!  It was super easy too, which is nice on a busy week night.  Sometimes I'm just not into following a recipe, I just want to cook and create!  That's how this Country Momma Cooks, how about you?   How do let go and create in the kitchen?


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Welcome to the Simply Country Living Blog! My name is Amanda and I'm passionate about living the simply country life. I live in Cody, Wyoming, the rodeo capitol of the world! If that's not country I don't what is. I live on a small place with 20 irrigated acres with four horses, one pony, 15 chickens, 11 Nubian milking goats, one dog and one cat. I'm the owner of Simplycountryliving.com, a on-line country home boutique full of high quality, unique products you will love!
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